why should you be outsourcing your payroll?- sterling accounting

Why You Should Be Outsourcing Your Payroll

Small business payroll overwhelming most of your work day? The elite team at Sterling Accounting can help you find relief! There are a number of reasons all small businesses should consider outsourcing their payroll and other accounting duties:

“According to a TD Bank survey, 43 percent of small businesses have at least one employee. So business owners need to focus more on improving their payroll management. A simple way to do this may be by outsourcing…” [ Read more here ]

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until April To Get Those Taxes Done!

It’s tax time! And if you’re thinking of putting yours off to the last minute – there are a number of reasons you should dive into this article… and with the help of Sterling Accounting, your taxes won’t be a worry!

“The IRS encourages early filing for a host of reasons, and it’s not just because it makes April less of a scramble at their headquarters. Below are three reasons you might want to consider getting a head start on your taxes now…” [ Read more here ]

Make Payroll Mistakes A Thing Of The Past With Sterling Accounting

Payroll mistakes can cost your business big – and more than just monetarily. Let the professionals at Sterling Accounting handle your books and avoid devastating errors…

“Failure to comply with payroll laws can cause increased scrutiny from government agencies, penalties, fines and – in extreme cases – imprisonment. Employee goodwill also could be lost, as workers quickly tend to become disillusioned by payroll mistakes…” [ Read more here ]