Tag: tax services

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until April To Get Those Taxes Done!

It’s tax time! And if you’re thinking of putting yours off to the last minute – there are a number of reasons you should dive into this article… and with the help of Sterling Accounting, your taxes won’t be a worry!

“The IRS encourages early filing for a host of reasons, and it’s not just because it makes April less of a scramble at their headquarters. Below are three reasons you might want to consider getting a head start on your taxes now…” [ Read more here ]

Tax Changes To Note Before Filing Your Returns

Don’t let changing tax trends and laws affect your wallet – have the experts at Sterling Accounting take charge and get you the return you deserve.

“While the deductions and rules for filing will roughly remain the same, some of the numbers and tax brackets will be different, after being adjusted for inflation. “You can’t assume that what you relied on last year is necessarily the same,” says Barbara Weltman…” [ Read more here ]