lottery payment taxes

How Much Will That $758M Powerball Winner Pay In Taxes?

lottery payment taxes It’s the largest lottery winning ever that will be going to one individual winner, but with that large payout, there will also be a large tax bill incoming.

“The one lucky person holding the $758.7 million Powerball jackpot ticket sold in Massachusetts will have an avalanche of financial decisions to make in the coming days and weeks.

It’s the biggest single lottery jackpot win in North American history…” [ Read more here ]

the road to success

What’s The Secret To Success In Business? Hear From Fortune 500 CEOs & Execs

the road to successStart paving your road to business success at an early age! Fortune 500 CEO’s and top executives are weighing in on how you can start growing your base in your 20’s…

“Current and former Fortune 500 executives, as well as other business leaders, have given some great career advice on Business Insider’s podcast, “Success! How I Did It.”  From Sheryl Sandberg to Steve Ballmer, we pulled the best advice they gave for 20-somethings who have big business ambitions…” [ Read more here ]

solar eclipse replay

Get Your Post Solar Eclipse Show Right Here!

Many American’s landed a once in a lifetime chance yesterday to get a glimpse of a full solar eclipse, from Oregon to South Carolina over a 70 mile wide path. If you weren’t in the direct path and only got a partial view, ABC News has you covered with the full recap:

“For a couple of minutes, the temperature dropped, dusk fell in midday, and the sun was replaced by a circle of wispy white light — the glow of the solar corona, which is visible only when the moon directly blocks the sun’s rays…” [ Read more here ]

Avoiding Getting Knocked Out By “Failure To Pay” Taxes

As we take on more responsibilities, investments, and endure life changes the tax implications can grow significantly. And the failure to plan this out properly can end in a big debt owed when tax time rolls around…

“In order for taxpayers not to find themselves in an underpayment or failure to pay situation, they should regularly review their tax withholding and schedule of estimated tax payments, particularly after a major life event, such as a marriage, divorce or new job…” [ Read more here ]

cognitive computing in the accounting world

What Is Cognitive Computing?

cognitive computing in the accounting world Experts are saying that the rise of cognitive computer will soon touch the accounting sector, but what is it and how will it aid in business operations?

“Managing change in an increasingly digital world is both a challenge and an opportunity for accounting firms. Today, we are entering the era of the “Smart Internet,” as machines can be taught to learn. As a profession, we must be thinking about how we will embrace these rapid changes in technology as they are headed straight toward us at an accelerating pace…” [ Read more here ]

Avoid IRS Troubles With Your Taxes

Tax time may not be everyone’s favorite time of the year, but at Sterling Accounting, there’s no lost sleep! Don’t run into troubles with the IRS over your taxes – be sure you are going to rank on their good side with the expert help of Sterling Accounting.

“More Americans who pay their income taxes each quarter are being penalized by the IRS for making mistakes or missing payments.

There’s been a nearly 33% jump — from almost 7.5 million to nearly 10 million — in the number of penalties levied between fiscal years 2007 and 2016, IRS data show…” [ Read more here ]